

Section: User Manuals (1)
Updated: MARCH 2005
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lrmc - low resolution modeline calculator  


lrmc x y refresh [OPTIONS]
lrmc mamelist.xml [OPTIONS]  


lrmc is a modeline calculator for legacy CRT displays, including TVs, arcade monitors, and VGA monitors. It can also be used to calculate low resolution modelines for modern multisync PC monitors. As its name implies, it is not designed for calculating large resolutions, resolutions that operate over 65kHz. For such calculations see For a full length, mostly accurate modeline tutorial visit If you would like to use lrmc online, then click here.  


-v, --vsync
Calculate the nearest mode in vertical synchronization.
-b, --bestscan
Calculate the nearest best scan mode.
-i, --interlace
Include support for interlaced calculations. Interlaced modes are not supported by many video cards. You should only enable this option if you know your video card supports them.
-d, --doublescan
Include support for doublescanned calculations. Doublescanned modes are not supported by many video cards. You should only enable this option if you know your video card supports them.
-n, --nostretch
Do not stretch modes that are out of range for your monitor. You should use this option if you know that your application does not support integer stretching.
-y, --ystretch
Assume fractional stretching of the y-resolution. You should use this option if you know that your application supports fractional stretching of the y-resolution and you want to stretch an underscanned mode so that it fills the entire screen.
-l, --lowpclock
Many video cards do not reliably support pixel clocks lower than 8mHz. If you know that your video card and its driver support pixel clocks lower than 8mHz, then you should use this option.
-h, --highpclock
Most X11 video card drivers do not support pixel clocks lower than 12mHz. In some cases your video card may not support pixel clocks lower than 12mHz either (rare). If you know that your video card (or your video card driver) does not support pixel clocks lower than 12mHz, then you should use this option.
Stretch the horizontal resolution so that the mode has a 3:4 aspect ratio. You can use this option to correctly display vertical resolutions on a horizontal monitor.
-x, --X11R6
Print modeline in X11 format (default).
-f, --fb
Print modeline in fbset format.
-a, --advmame
Print modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
-s, --SDL
Print modeline in X11 format to stdout and print AdvanceMAME X11 configuration to stderr.
-p, --powerstrip
Print modeline in PowerStrip format.
Calculate modelines for a PAL Television (15.625kHz).
Calculate modelines for a NTSC Television (15.73426kHz).
Calculate modelines for a standard resolution arcade monitor (15.7500kHz).
Calculate modelines for a medium resolution arcade monitor (24.960kHz).
Calculate modelines for a standard VGA monitor (31.500kHz).
Calculate modelines for a Wells-Gardner 9200 arcade monitor (15kHz, 25kHz, 31kHz).
Calculate modelines for a Multisync PC monitor (default).


-r [number], --reference=[number]
Number of reference modes. This is how many times you can center your display with your monitor controls before previous settings are overwritten (typically 16). If your display stores configuration settings by BOTH the refresh rate and the horizontal clock, then you should use this option. This option limits modeline calculations to a fixed number of line, refresh rate combinations. If you can't center all of your games on a modern PC monitor, then this is probably the reason. For use with mamelist.xml input only.
Calculate an interlaced mode. Interlaced modes are not supported by many video cards. You should only enable this option if you know your video card supports them. Unlike the -i, --interlace option above which only enables interlaced mode calculations, this option always produces an interlaced mode (for advanced users only).
Calculate a doublescanned mode. Doublescanned modes are not supported by many video cards. You should only enable this option if you know your video card supports them. Unlike the -d, --doublescan option above which only enables doublescanned mode calculations, this option always produces a doublescanned mode (for advanced users only).
-c [FILE], --configfile=[FILE]
Use an alternate configuration file.
Create an editable configuration file in the current directory. If lrmc's builtin defaults don't meet your needs, you can use a configuration file to tailor the calculations to your setup. To configure system wide default calculations you can copy the configuration file from your current directory to your system's root configuration folder. In Windows copy to C:\Windows, in DOS copy to C:\DOS, and in UNIX copy to /etc. For alternate locations use the above -c, --configfile option. All configuration files must contain at least one valid clock range. All other options are optional. Parameters defined in your configuration file override command line options unless you specify a display type (i.e. -ntsc, -pal, -cga, etc).
Output detailed modeline information.


 lrmc 320 240 60 -cga --advmame
Calculate a modeline for a 320x240 resolution running at 60Hz. Print the modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
 lrmc 288 224 60 -cga --vsync --advmame
Calculate a modeline for a 288x224 underscanned resolution running at 60Hz. Print the modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
 lrmc 288 224 60 -cga --bestscan --advmame
Calculate a modeline for a 288x224 best scan resolution, sacrificing vertical synchronization if necessary. Print the modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
 lrmc 288 224 60 -cga --vsync --ystretch --advmame
Calculate a modeline for a 288x224 underscanned resolution running at 60Hz, but don't underscan the horizontal resolution. Note, that the image's aspect ratio will be distorted unless your application supports fractional stretching of the y resolution. Print the modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
 lrmc 288 224 60 -cga --highplock --SDL 2>> ~/.advance/advmame.rc
Calculate a modeline for a 288x224 resolution running at 60Hz but integer stretch the horizontal resolution if the pixel clock is lower than 12mHz. Print the modeline to standard out in X11 modeline format and redirect the AdvanceMAME SDL configuration to your AdvanceMAME configuration file.
 lrmc 224 288 60 -cga -3x4 --bestscan --lowpclock --advmame
Calculate a modeline for a 224x288 best scan resolution, sacrificing vertical synchronization if necessary. Stretch horizontal resolution to a 3x4 aspect ratio (display vertical resolution on a horizontal display). Allow a pixel clock lower than 8mHz. Print the modeline in AdvanceMAME format.
 lrmc 640 480 30 -cga --interlace
Calculate a modeline for a 640x480 interlaced resolution running at 30Hz. Print the modeline in X11 format.
 lrmc mamelist.xml -cga --highpclock --interlace --ystretch
Calculate modeline list using MAME -listxml file as input (mame -listxml > mamelist.xml). Integer stretch the horizontal resolution if the pixel clock is lower than 12mHz. Assume fractional stretching of the y resolution. Enable interlace calculations. Print modelines in X11 format.


 lrmc 320 240 60 --doublescan
Calculate a modeline for a 320x240 doublescanned resolution running at 60Hz. Print the modeline in X11 format.
 lrmc 320 240 60 --nostretch
Calculate a modeline for a 320x240 resolution, but don't integer stretch resolutions that are out of range for your monitor. Print the modeline in X11 format.
 lrmc 256 240 60 --highpclock
Calculate a modeline for a 256x240 resolution, but integer stretch the horizontal resolution if the pixel clock is lower than 12mHz. Print the modeline in X11 format.
 lrmc mamelist.xml --highpclock --reference=16
Calculate modeline list using MAME -listxml file as input (mame -listxml > mamelist.xml). Restrict the number of line, refresh rate combinations to 16. Integer stretch the horizontal resolution if the pixel clock is lower than 12mHz. Print modelines in X11 format.


Written by Des Jones.  


While you can enable interlaced and doublescanned calculations, you may or may not get a doublescanned or interlaced modeline. Though this may seem counter intuitive, it does make modeline calculations very straight forward. Simply enable all the options your video card supports and then input a desired mode. If doublescanned or interlaced calculations are required, they will be performed; otherwise, they aren't.  


The fbset and PowerStrip modeline formats have never been formally tested. They may not work. Other bugs may be reported at  


Copyright 2005 Des Jones.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  


advv(1), umc(1), gtf(1)




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